#breakthrough #coaching #danielaschweiger #limitlessgrowthacademy Nov 07, 2022

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Daniela is a real Tsunami, Full Of Energy, Honesty, and an Expert In What She Does!
The first time when I hear, " You have too much energy, you are too direct, you .............. WOW, I was thinking, how the hack these people just don't understand me, how the people prefer the kissing asses people and not someone direct, honest, and that cares.
And guess what? I am doing this today, showing everyone ready to change and how to identify and permanently eliminate limiting beliefs and create the best life quality and business.
So the point is if someone is telling you, you aren't enough, or you are too much, or you have too much energy, etc., don't listen to them. It is their problem, not yours. Make sure you do your best every day and be the best version of yourself, no matter what.
The thing is that everyone has some limiting beliefs there, traumas because we get programmed by our parents, our teachers, and our environment, and we need to learn to increase self-love and forgiveness because Self-Love and Forgiveness are the Keys to the breakthrough.
Do you remember how many times you say to your parents, "I hate you, or I don't love you and get angry with your best friend or your neighbor, remember if you have enough Self-Love, you will never have space for Hate, Anger, Revenge or anything else harmful?
If you want to know more, check the website and definitely book a free strategy call or join our membership. 



#transformation #breakthrough #success #positivevibes #coaching